I love smelling good, and I hope you do too because today I’ll be going over some of the best smelling body washes for men I came across!
Men, pay close attention because we are raising the bar today. No more will our cleansing routine consist of grabbing a big block of soap and rubbing it all over our bodies. No, we want something that will keep all the dirt, grime and filth off our body, but also make us smell great afterward!

Smelling great will not only have a positive effect on you, but it will also affect your relationships with other people. It will help you make a good first impression, seal a business deal or steer your date in the right direction.
Here is the list of the best body washes for men that will make you smell amazing:

This is one of the most versatile products I’ve ever seen, and if you haven’t heard of it, shame on you! But seriously, you can use this product as a body wash, face wash, shampoo, but also to wash your dishes and as a household cleaner! Some people advocate using it as a tooth paste and mouth wash, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.
It also comes in a huge 32oz (0.95L) bottle and smells fantastic. The one I am suggesting has that strong, peppermint scent, leaving your skin squeaky clean. Now, peppermint smell might not be your cup of tea, so you need to decide on this before buying the product, but I love it! I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, but I’ve read a bit on the aromatherapy properties of peppermint, and the research states it has a cooling, mood-elevating, and stimulating effect. You can try it and be the judge yourself.
Back to the product… Even though it comes in a huge 32oz bottle, it lathers… a lot! All you need is a few drops (yes, only a few drops) and you are all set for a full body rubdown! There are three ways you can use it: squirt some of it on your hands, use a loofah or get an exfoliating glove. I know that, as men, you are probably not used to exfoliating gloves, but they are dirt cheap and oh so helpful when it comes to scrubbing all that dead skin cells of your body.
You will also be pleased to know that it is made of organic ingredients (organic coconut, palm kernel, olive, hemp, and jojoba oils), vegan, cruelty-free, and in a 100{285d6d0ec33f832d63ba71e7361dfa254e621171fe0222a0c97ebd34aa916c6a} biodegradable container. I find it admirable that, a company in this day and age, is so dedicated to protecting the environment.
I already said that one of the main traits of this body wash is its peppermint scent. It will give you a cooling, tingling effect all over your body. This is especially important during those hot, humid summer months when you get out of the shower and you immediately start to sweat before you even grab your towel.
And if that wasn’t enough, I’ve heard people saying it helped them with their acne. I can’t verify this information, so you’ll have to experiment yourself (and if you do, please come back to leave a comment, I’d love to read it!).

Believe it or not, there once was a time Every Man Jack was hard to find; it was not a household name for men’s hygiene products we know it today. Nowadays, you can find it in most major retailers in your area; alternatively, you can order from Amazon.
And if you decide to go the “Amazon route,” you’ll see that there are quite a few different kinds:
So, which is the best smelling of the bunch?
Well, my personal recommendation is Sandalwood for two reasons. First, I love that natural, “woody” scent; it’s a combination of musky, cedar with a hint of sweetness.
The second reason is that the smell is not overpowering. I’m not saying I don’t like those body washes that make you smell like you’ve showered with cologne, but there are times when I want to be a bit more subtle.
It’s also a good value for money because it comes in a 33.8oz bottle (1l) and will last you a long time.
Talking about the ingredients, as the label says, this body wash is 97{285d6d0ec33f832d63ba71e7361dfa254e621171fe0222a0c97ebd34aa916c6a} naturally derived; it does not contain parabens, no phthalates or dye; it is cruelty-free and not tested on animals.
The lather is another suit point of this product. The problem with some natural based body washes is that they do not lather, but this is not the case with EMJ. Not only will it produce a rich lather, but you will also be able to rinse it off quickly, leaving your body clean and fresh.

This is yet another body wash for men with a subtle scent. Though the smell is musky and manly, it’s not overwhelming and does not linger on for a long time after you’ve showered (this is something you should keep in mind before purchasing). Though not as versatile as Dr. Bronner's, you can use it as a shampoo as well.
I have to say that, before, I did not care much about products advertised to have more than one primary use/purpose. I’m talking about a product that’s body wash/shampoo/face wash/dishwasher etc, all at the same time; I thought that these products had to be inferior.
But, as time went by I started testing and trying more and more of these products and realized I was wrong. Those products, too, had high-quality ingredients and did an equally impressive job cleansing my body. Not only that, I started to love `em because they saved time; shaved precious seconds off my shower time when I was in a hurry or running late.
Back to the smell. As I said before, the smell is not overpowering but it’s strong, musky, and manly. It will not linger on for long (one to two hours after you’ve showered) and will not compete with your cologne. In fact, it will give you and your cologne a solid foundation you can use to build upon and “find” your perfect scent.
I’d also like to point out the moisturizing aspect of this body wash. Not only will it smell good, rid you of grime, sweat and oil buildup, it will also moisturize your skin! Because it features natural ingredients, it will be perfect for those of you struggling with dry skin. Your skin will no longer be tight and dry walking out of the shower, and this is why I’m giving it a thumbs up.

Each body wash I talked about previously had a strong, masculine, musky smell, so I wanted to mix things up a bit and bring you the scent of summer! Puracy Natural smells like pink grapefruit with some deep undertones which resemble ocean air. Just close your eyes and let it take you wherever you want to go. Once you open your eyes, though, the sad reality will kick in once again, but at least you’ll smell good!
Right off the bat, looking at the list of ingredients, you’ll notice something exciting – it contains Himalayan Pink Salt. The striking thing about this salt is it contains small minerals our skin can absorb and utilize to fight acne and skin infections.
Tiny particles of salt will also give you a mild scrub, ridding you off dead skin cells and grime.
Another thing to note is that this is a “glycinate” based product. Glycinate is a substance introduced as a substitute to SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and so far shown promising results in increased skin hydration and suitable for people with eczema. This substance is also responsible for rich lather and good rinsing properties. If you are interested in reading more about Glycinate, you can read this article on the US National Library of Medicine website.
Sadly (or fortunately), I cannot testify to the hydration properties of this product since I have oily skin. But I did some research (reading the reviews of other people with dry skin who used it), and all I see is positive feedback. One user even states he “forgot” to put on skin lotion after he got out of the shower as the body wash did a pretty good job of moisturizing his skin.
So, if you have dry skin and are on the lookout for a body wash with a cheerful, fruity, fresh scent, this might be a good choice!

Brickell started small, really small… in a private garage by two friends and entrepreneurs. Over the years, however, it grew into one of the leading manufacturers of premium skin care products for men.
Yes, the word “premium” is there for a reason as this body wash is a bit on the expensive side. So, does it live up to its price and high expectation? I can tell you that it certainly does and in the following lines you’ll find out why.
The moment you open the bottle a strong minty scent takes over your olfactory sense; it’s fresh, it’s clean, it just makes you feel good, though you cannot explain why. It’s kind of like Dr. Bronner’s peppermint body wash only more intense and longer lasting (it usually lasts 3 or more hours, which is incredible).
I also like its viscosity, it’s thick, and it lathers nicely (but not too much), so even though the packaging is smaller, it will last you a long time. Brickell body wash is a lot thicker than what you might be used to, so using a loofah is definitely a good idea.
So, the scent is nice, but how well does it clean the skin?
Well, you’ll be glad to know this is a deep cleaning body wash – it will do a nice job scrubbing the dead skin cells, oil buildup and just your plain old sweat and grime off your skin.
Though Brickell is aggressive towards the dirt and grime, it’s surprisingly mild on your skin. Not only that, it contains tea tree oil which will help replenish the natural oil barrier that protects your skin.
Another ingredient worth mentioning is aloe vera. Aloe vera is a fantastic plant, used way back in ancient Egypt, where it was called a “plant of immortality.” Sadly, it won’t make us immortal, but it will do a great job restoring the moisture of the skin. The good thing about aloe vera is that it works for all skin types, so it’s guaranteed to help with your complexion.
Brickell uses only certified natural and organic ingredients so you can use it even if you have sensitive skin.

I guess no body wash list would be complete without Old Spice, right? Especially after those, shall we say, “unique” advertisement? Despite quirky ad techniques, the company itself is really serious and really old; founded way back in 1934. The very fact it’s still operational after 85 years stands as testimony in itself.
Back to “Swagger”… The scent of this (and any other Old Spice) body wash is a bit hard to explain, you just have to try it yourself and see. It is powerful, spicy (no pun intended) and just makes you smell like a man.
The smell is also intense and lingers on quite a bit (it says 8 hours on the bottle and… it seems about right), so using it requires a bit of thinking ahead:
- If you are going out and want to put on your favorite cologne, you should go with a different body wash as this one may interfere
- And if you just want to smell good getting out of the shower, definitely go for it
As for the cleaning, it does a reasonably good job, but hydration is where most complaints are. This body wash is a bit more aggressive and might even strip your skin of some natural oil, leaving it feeling a bit dry.
Now, this is not a massive problem for me (and those of you with naturally oily skin), but if you have sensitive, dry skin, I would recommend trying a different product.
All in all, if you are just cracking your way into the new and exciting world of body washes that smell good, Old Spice is an excellent first step. It’s cheap enough so you can try it without breaking the bank, but good enough to give you a thorough cleaning, the long-lasting and damn good smell!

Nivea is one of, if not THE, most recognized and popular skin care companies in the world. I’m not going to bore you with the details, but the fact the company was founded in 1882 is pretty cool.
So this list is a bit odd since I went from the more expensive down to the budget options but I first wanted to give you the very best I could products find; also, I like to recommend products that feature natural ingredients.
Being a budget option, you can’t really expect high-quality ingredients such as those in Brickell body wash (for example).
But, first things first, the scent. Nivea Men Cool does smell good, no question about it! It is not strong and obnoxious by any means, but it has the power to propel a young, nervous teenager, into a full grown adult.
It will rinse off nicely, and I think you’d be better off using a loofah instead of just rubbing it using your hands. Using a loofah will ensure it lathers more and lasts longer (though it comes in a relatively large bottle, so don’t expect to go through it quickly).
It will also moisturize your skin… well, sort off… it will not dry it out as Old Spice might, but you’ll need to lower your expectation.
Final verdict?
If you are looking for a budget body wash that will make you smell good and won't dry your skin out too much, you should give Nivea a go.
How To Choose the Best Body Wash For Men?
It might sound ridiculous, but choosing the right body wash for men is actually pretty challenging. You may be thinking, “well….. it’s just body wash right?” You are correct, but some are better than others, and if you want to keep your skin intact, it's in your best interest to choose the right body wash. The good news is that you have a broad selection from which to make your choice, you just need to know what to look for.
Here are some of the best ingredients you should keep an eye out for when choosing your body wash.
Aloe Vera: This is a very popular ingredient because it’s so effective, you will find it in a lot of skin care products. Aloe Vera contains a lot of healing properties, and when a manufacturer chooses to use it, you can pretty much guarantee that they care about what you are putting on your skin and what they are putting in their products.
Glycerin: Glycerin is excellent for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.
Plant Extract: Plants are a great natural product that contain a wide range of healing capabilities. They also contain natural antiseptic properties and help to exfoliate and moisturize the skin.
Shea Butter: Shea butter is another popular ingredient for skin care products, it protects the outer layer of the skin from harmful agents and keeps it well moisturized.
Vitamins: Premium body washes will contain vitamin E and C; they are powerful antioxidants used for detoxifying and softening the skin.
BEWARE, not all ingredients in body washes are good for the skin; you will typically find these in the cheaper products.
Dioxane: Research has found that dioxane causes toxicity in the central nervous system, liver, and the brain. It is a very hazardous agent that you want to avoid putting on your skin.
Diethanolamine (DEA): This toxic ingredient is known to block the absorption of choline, which as an essential nutrient required for brain development.
Fragrance: We all want to smell nice, but when a body wash contains too many synthetic fragrances irritates the skin.
Parabens: Parabens are used to make the body wash last longer; unfortunately, they have been linked to breast cancer, so its probably in your best interests to stay away from this ingredient.
Propylene Glycol: You will find these additives in a lot of skin care products, but research has shown that they are linked to liver and kidney abnormalities as well as dermatitis.
Is There a Difference Between Male And Female Skin?
I know that this may seem like a silly question to be asking, “Of course there are differences,” I can almost hear you say. But did you ever stop to think exactly what are these differences… and do these differences mean we should use and choose different skincare products (body washes in particular), based on our gender?
I’m here to tell you that we definitely should! Some of the main differences between the skin of a male and a female are hair growth, oil production, pH balance, skin robustness, etc.
Here are some of the most noteworthy ones:
Transepidermal Water Loss
So, what to heck is transepidermal water loss? Simply put, it’s the amount of water that evaporates via our skin through the day. In men, for instance, the skin barrier regulating this process functions much better and allows for less water to “escape” the skin.
Why is this important? – more water means the skin is better hydrated, so male’s skin is less prone to becoming overly dry.
Oil Production
Though there are women with increased oil production, it’s generally men who “suffer” from it. I am certainly one of these men, but as I pointed out in one of my previous articles, it’s not all bad. Oily skin has its benefits (you can read more about these if one of our previous articles titled “Why Is Your Skin Oily When You Wake Up”).
Another thing to point out here is that oil production in women slowly decreases with age. This is why men are more prone to acne and women to dry skin.
Overall Robustness
Male skin is overall more robust compared to that of a woman and can “take a beating,” this is why male skincare products (especially skin cleaners and exfoliators) can afford to be a bit more aggressive. Men skin can also better tolerate some irritating active ingredients, such as vitamin A.
But, strangely enough, men have a higher tendency towards mechanical irritation. This means us men are more prone to irritation (from shaving, for example) and ingrown hair. So, men’s skincare products need to be geared towards fighting this issue as well.
Thickness And Collagen
Though male skin is some 25{285d6d0ec33f832d63ba71e7361dfa254e621171fe0222a0c97ebd34aa916c6a} thicker than female, it gets thinner as we age. The thickness of a woman’s skin, on the other hand, remains somewhat constant… at least until the menopause, when it starts to get thinner dramatically.
And as for the collagen, it is packed in much higher density in men; this is why women show premature signs of aging much quicker as opposed to men.
Why You Need A Bodywash Labeled “For Men”?
After reading about these differences between male you get it why we can’t just recommend a “one size fits all” kind of a product, it makes much more sense to just talk about the best smelling body washes for men.
Another huge aspect of this quest for figuring out which is the best body wash for you is practicality.
Let me explain…
Men like to keep it simple. If it were up to us, we’d love if we could have one product we can use to wash our hair, clean our face as well as our entire body, brush our teeth… maybe even wash the dishes and dirty laundry!
Women usually are at the opposite side of this spectrum, and they’ll often have half a dozen of products just to take care of their face, not to mention the rest…
So, is there such a product? One you can use as a body wash, face wash, and a shampoo? Well, actually there is, just scroll down and check out Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castle liquid soap. It will do all that and make you smell great afterward!
What Makes A Body Wash Smell Last?
The ingredients used to make a body wash will determine how good it smells and ultimately, how clean it’s going to get you. In all fragrances, there are top, middle, and bottom notes. When you open a bottle of body wash and you get that immediate blast of fragrance – that’s the top note. The middle note is what gives it character, and the bottom note is what binds the scent to the skin.
If you haven’t noticed, men’s fragrances smell really fresh, they usually have notes of sea, mint, or fresh air, followed by subtler notes of flowers and leaves. The underlying bottom note smell is usually a woodsy one.
Essential Oils: Essential oils provide a refreshing and lasting scent that will stay with you all day. They also nourish the skin helping to hydrate, condition, and keep it well moisturized.
Polymers: Without getting too technical here, polymers are basically like invisible glue, they help whatever scent is in the body wash to stick to the skin so that you smell nice and fresh for the entire day.
Body Wash Shelf Life
This is not a topic that comes off that often when talking about products you use under the shower. I go through a typical body wash in under a month.
If you have one that’s lust lying around, or you might have used it once or twice and forgot about it, make sure you check the expiration date before using it.
The ones I recommend are composed mostly of natural ingredients and tend to have a shorter shelf life – 6 months to a year. Of course, this information should be pointed out on the label.
Now, if you can’t find the expiration date on the label (it might also be faded), you should get rid of it and buy a new one, just to stay on the safe side. Using expired skin care products is never a good idea, and it can lead to certain skin problems, rashes, and irritations.
Body wash VS Bar Soap
Ahh, bar soap, they bring back so many memories! They are not so common anymore since body wash came and took its place. But there are differences between them, let's take a look at what they are.
Research has concluded that body wash is less likely to disrupt the pH levels in your skin the way an old-fashioned block of soap will. This is because the ingredients in a block of soap will strip your skin of the essential oils that naturally occur in your skin, leaving it feeling dry and knocking the pH levels off balance.
Body washes offer several benefits; first of all, they are made up of a combination of natural ingredients such as vitamins, oils, and scents. And secondly, they do not contain as many unnatural chemicals as bar soap. However, you also have to take price into consideration; the bottom line is the more you pay, the better the body wash.
What Are The Benefits Of An Antifungal Body Wash
An antifungal body wash provides the best way of keeping your body, toes, and feet free from fungal infections. Jock itch, yeast infections, athletes’ foot, and ringworm are some of the fungal infections you need to pay attention to. Fungi is not easy to kill, and that’s how the condition spreads. Here are some of the benefits of an antifungal body wash.
Ingredients: Antifungal body washes are made up of a mixture of pharmaceutical grade essential oils that protect the skin against bacterial and fungal infections.
Prevention and Cure: Antifungal body wash is the ideal treatment for conditions such as athletes’ foot, jock itch, and ringworm. Not only do they cure existing conditions, but they also act as a preventative measure.
Eliminates Discomfort: Fungal conditions are extremely uncomfortable; they help to control inflammation and sooth the skin during a flare-up. Antifungal body washes are recommended for anyone who lives an active lifestyle, especially those who use the gym, take yoga classes or work in a hospital. You should start using it at the first sign of redness, scaly skin, itching, or raised skin.
How To Apply Bodywash For Men?
OK, I’m not trying to offend you in any way here. It’s not like you haven’t used a body wash before and need instructions. But I just wanted to run some quick tips by you, so you can make the most of the product you buy, make it last you a long time and help it make your skin feel and smell good!
Using A Loofah/Sponge
I have to say that, until I went to college and started living in a dorm, I used to find the idea of using a loofah completely ridiculous. My roommates felt exactly the same.
But it all changed the day I bought it just for fun and decided I’ll give it a go. From that point on, I haven’t stopped using it, and I have to say it was one of the best purchases (considering my “shower hygiene”) by far. Of course, my roommates never stopped laughing and giving me a hard time for using it, but at that point, I didn’t even care, I loved it!
Hot Water, Cold Water… Or Something In Between?
This is a bit of a tricky question as hot and cold water offer its own set of benefits.
Hot water will:
Cold water will:
So, you really can’t go wrong here, but what you should do is avoid water that’s just too hot. Showering like this can dry your skin out and might even irritate it.
Moisturizing, after stepping out of the shower, is one of the most important things you can do for your skin, especially in the winter months.
Yeah, yeah, I know you heard this before, so did I, but why is it? I did some research, and it turns out it’s pretty simple – water tends to move from higher concentration to lower; so after we step out of the shower, our skin has a high water concentration as opposed to the air around it. Water then evaporates, leaving our skin dry.
Applying a lotion might hinder this process and allow your skin to lock a little bit of that moisture before it escapes.