Anyone who’s ever had the pleasure of dealing with whiteheads (myself included), knows all too well the frustration and anger you feel once you look at yourself in the mirror and notice a brand new zit that was not there a minute ago!
Right then and there you decide to pop it, despite previous promises you made to yourself, hoping that’s the last you’ve seen of it… only to realize it came back not long after. So, why does this happen, why do whiteheads on nose keep coming back?

The most common reason that nasty whitehead on your nose came back was the fact you introduced even more bacteria to the area when you tried to pop it. So, now you have an open wound of sorts (a popped pimple), and a swarm of bacteria from your fingertips just waiting for you to turn your back on it and cause another zit! Another common cause of whitehead reoccurrence is “leftovers.” When you popped your zit, chances are you didn’t remove the complete blockage, so the pore becomes clogged again and turns into a whitehead once more!
Don’t want to give up on your pimple popping routine? A quick fix is to use salicylic acid to clean the exposed pore and prevent it from clogging again (you can also apply a product containing benzoyl peroxide to help kill the surrounding bacteria).
What Causes Whiteheads On Nose?
Acne on your nose occurs when a small pore on the surface of your skin gets clogged by excess oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, or dirt. Of course, a whitehead can pop up just about anywhere on your skin, but the most common places are your face, back, neck and chest.
Acne is commonly brought about by hormonal changes in our body; when we hit teenage years (and puberty “hits” us), increased hormonal activity boosts our sebum production (sebum is the oil produced by sweat glands located underneath our skin), and as the sebum begins pushing out of the pores, it damages their walls, creating a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
And if sebum comes in contact with bacteria, dead skin cells, and grime, it will block our pores, and the stage will be set for a pimple to come about.
We often overlook the role of genetics in the development of whiteheads (and acne in general), but it is enormous! And numerous studies are backing up this claim. One of the bigger ones was done by researchers at St Thomas' Hospital in London. (Source: US National Library Of Medicine)
They looked at just under 500 pairs of identical twins and 1000 fraternal twins and found out that genes were responsible for some 80{285d6d0ec33f832d63ba71e7361dfa254e621171fe0222a0c97ebd34aa916c6a} of the difference in acne prevalence!
So, next time someone tells you they are “prone to acne” you better believe them 🙂

Contributing Factors To Whiteheads On Your Nose
We’ll all heard, or at least read about, all the contributing factors to the development of whiteheads, blackheads and pretty much every kind of acne there it. The most common ones are:
But do they really contribute to acne flare-ups? Well, there studies showing that they do and there are those saying the studies were lacking in one (or more) factors, calling them inconclusive.
Whatever the case may be, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to improve your diet, cut back on sugar and processed foods, and lower your stress levels.
Should You Pop A Whitehead On Your Nose?
Nooo! Let me say that again, no!
I know it feels good and that, when you see a large whitehead on the top of your nose, you just want to get rid of it as soon as possible but try to keep it together. Popping your whitehead will usually backfire as it will, in most cases, come back.
So, what should you do with your zit then?
You are not going to like the answer… because dealing with a whitehead on your nose will take some time. Here are some steps you can take to address it:
- 1Clean your skin – whatever you intend to do (even if you decide to pop it), you must ensure your skin is clean and kill off the bacteria. To kill off the bacteria that is causing the pimple, go for a product that contains 2 percent benzoyl peroxide; make sure you apply only a thin layer, as it may irritate your skin if you overdo it.
- 2Apply heat – you can soak a towel (or a washcloth) in hot water and then apply directly to the whitehead on your nose. Hold the towel for 10 – 15minutes, up to 5 times per day. Repeat the process daily until the pimple releases all the pus. Allowing the pimple to release the puss naturally will ensure all the puss is gone and the skin can begin to heal. This will keep your blister from coming back!
Do Whiteheads Go Away After Popping?
Well technically, they do; but, popping your pimple will almost certainly ensure the whitehead comes back. Why? Because popping won’t remove all the residue from the clogged pore, and even a little waste will be enough to repeat the cycle of irritation and pimple forming.
So, even if it looks like you’ve solved your problem, you’ve unintentionally made it worse.
What I can advise you (if you just can’t stand to look at your nose like that) is to clean your hands, apply benzoyl peroxide directly to a pimple, and clean your pore afterward with salicylic acid. This is the only correct way to do it.
How To Keep Them From Coming Back?
Through the article, I’ve given you little bits and pieces on how to handle the whiteheads on your nose and keep them from coming back.
So let’s recap:
- 1Stop with the popping
- 2Clean your hands before handling your face
- 3Use products to clean your face and kill off the present bacteria
- 4Allow your whitehead to heal on its own (and release the puss)
- 5Clean your pores
- 6Apply antibiotic ointment directly to the affected pore until it fully heals