This article is about masks you use as a part of your face care routine - peel-off, charcoal masks, not face masks intended to protect from COVID 19.Have you ever tried sleeping with your peel-off face mask on… or are...
If you are reading this article, you are probably familiar with some of the benefits of a peel-of mask. Some of the most common benefits are its anti-aging properties, removal of dead skin cells and bacteria from the...
As most of you already know, I’ve been battling oily skin for the better part of my adult life. The struggle’s been rough and I can say I tried most any product to help balance my skin.I say most because, up until...
You don’t come across this combination often, it’s usually the other way around. Most people complain about having an oily t zone (forehead, nose, and chin), while the skin on their cheeks is normal (or slightly dry)...
I already talked about the problem of oily face when you wake up, but today I'll be zeroing in on the forehead. I'll try to cover as much as I can and answer some of the questions our readers are struggling with...
I’m not one for exaggeration. I’m quite the opposite; I do everything in moderation – eating, drinking, sleeping, and, of course, taking care of my skin.No matter the skincare ingredient, product, or routine, I always...
I can't tell you how many times I heard my dad telling me how trying to pop a pimple only makes it worse. And I can't tell you how many times I did not listen. But growing up as a teenager with acne, you don't have time...
OK, I’m officially at risk of running a blog where we just talk about what can you put on your face and what it’ll do to your skin! My very first article was one about applying a face mask overnight, followed by...
I was never too concerned with forehead wrinkles during my 20’s (I just turned 30 this year… scary) mostly because I didn’t have any. Though my oily skin (and oily forehead) gave me quite a bit of trouble growing up...
I remember, back in the day, when I was younger and my immune system was weaker, I would get cold sores across my entire upper lip! I would often feel that slight itch across my lip just before going to bed, and I knew...