As most of you already know, I’ve been battling oily skin for the better part of my adult life. The struggle’s been rough and I can say I tried most any product to help balance my skin.
I say most because, up until recently, I was not aware and did not use rosewater at all. But, as I moved in the direction of natural, organic skincare products, it caught my eye and I decided to try it. Here’s my story…

Will Rosewater Help With Oily Skin?
Rosewater is excellent for oily skin since it acts as a mild astringent, which will cleanse your pores, help clear excess oil, balance your skin’s pH and keep your skin hydrated.
Is Rosewater Good for Oily Skin?
Unlike most other products you are currently using or might have used in the past, rosewater is 20% essential oil and 80% water (that is, if you use the “boiling in distilled water” process we mentioned in our previous article – Using Rosewater as a Toner).
Why does this matter? Well, it makes all the difference actually, especially when talking about those of us “blessed” with oily skin. Due to its high water content and mild properties, rosewater is a perfect moisturizer as the skin will absorb it quickly. It will also help remove some of the excess oil and clear your skin.
And if you start using rosewater on a regular basis, you will notice an improvement in overall complexion, your skin will become more even and smoother… you’ll just begin to develop that healthy, radiant skin everyone’s talking about.
What about the winter months?
Even though my skin is overly oily, cold, windy weather dries it out quite a bit, so moisturizing becomes my number one concern. Though mild, rosewater will give you plentiful hydration and might even eliminate the need to use an added skin moisturizer.

Can Rosewater Help with Acne?
Don’t know if you’ve read my “About me” story or not, but long story short, I had acne… lots and lots of acne. And I’ve tried a ton of different “acne remedies,” but I never tried rosewater. So, when talking about rosewater for acne, I can only rely on other people’s experiences.
When talking about rosewater’s acne-fighting properties, the two most interesting ones are its ability to balance skin’s pH and its anti-bacterial properties.
Balance Skin’s pH
pH is one the lesser talked about topics when it comes to overall skin health and acne. Skin’s leading role is to protect us and act as a barrier between us and the outside world. pH is one of its protective mechanisms which allows it to perform its protective function properly.
And should its pH lever (healthy skin’s pH ranges between 4.7 and 5.75) becomes disturbed, problems start to occur.
One of these problems is acne. According to this study published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information, there is a direct correlation between facial skin pH and acne.
What researchers discovered was that the majority of acne occurrence was observed in test subjects that had elevated skin’s pH (regardless of the gender).
These are good news for all the acne sufferers currently using rosewater as restoring your skin’s pH to normal levels should have a positive impact on your acne.
Rosewater Anti-Bacterial Properties
Bacteria can contribute to the activity of acne in some patients, it may also contribute to the skin’s inflammatory response worsening the condition.
Rosewater will help your skin fight off acne-causing bacteria that reside on your skin and soothe your skin, reducing the inflammation and helping your skin deal with acne.
Is Rosewater Safe for All Skin Types?
Rosewater is natural and mild, which makes it a perfect skincare product for all skin types. We’ve only talked about its use in people with oily skin, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it if your skin is not oily.
Rosewater For Oily Skin
Though rosewater helps with skin hydration, it’s usually not enough, when it comes to dry, sensitive skin.
Of course, since it’s a natural product (especially if you make it yourself using organically grown roses), your sensitive skin will love it. It absorbs quickly, leaving no residue behind.
In short, rosewater is a perfect choice for refining your pores and stabilizing your skin’s pH; and, to get the most out of your routine, you should top it of will a good moisturizer.
And, if you are up for a bit of DIY, you can combine rosewater with some other ingredients to help your dry skin. Ingredients such as:
How Long Does Rosewater Last, Does It Expire?
When it comes to rosewater’s shelf-life, it will largely depend on how pure it is and how it’s made.
If you’ve prepared it yourself (boiled rosewater petals on the stove), your rosewater will last anywhere from one to three months (using distilled water will prolong its duration). There are also two ways of keeping it – keeping it refrigerated will make it last longer as opposed to just keeping it in a dry place on room temperature.
And if you use store-bought rosewater, you’ should read the label. Most manufacturers say their product will last you up to 6 months, provided you follow their advice on storage.
And, as a last resort (if you’ve gone overboard with the quantity), you could freeze it into small ice cubes and pull out of your freezer as needed.

What Happens If You Use Expired Rosewater on Oily Skin?
Rather than answering this question for you, I would employ you to use a little bit of common sense and come to your own conclusion.
Well, because it depends.
If you’ve used your rosewater for quite some time and it still works and suits your skin, it probably won’t do you any harm if you use it for 4 months, rather than 3.
On the other hand, if you notice it starting to change color, starting to smell funky or make your skin just a little bit red, throw it away and get yourself a new one. It’s not worth risking your skin just to save a few bucks (store-bought rosewater only costs about $10, so why risk it).